Feb 3 2025: Winter Quarters (3rd 0 mile day, liking this not moving)

The morning started with a short walk with Lexie and Steve. The traffic outside our campground is busy, especially early in the morning. And it freaks out Lexie. As an alternative Steve took Lexie to a dog park to let her run around without a leash. Lexie mostly walked around.

Lexie in the dog park not running

But Lexie is getting good at relaxing:

Lexie not using her outside bed

Vicki joined a water aerobics groups this morning and will be going regularly.

Steven took a longer bike ride, same route:

feb 3 2025 bike ride

We bought a fan for outdoor use with the intent of blowing away the no seeums.

And the shower pan has been sealed to the shower walls so we can use the shower. But I think the bath house shower will still be the preferred location.

V-I am loving the water aerobics class every morning at 10 am. Really good exercise (I’m feeling it) and a great start time – I can still have time to relax in the morning before going to exercise, hot tub, swim. Steven is enjoying the daily Lexie walks, bike rides and we both are enjoying the really nice people we are meeting. Now it is feeling like camping/glamping, being in one place for 3 days and really relaxed. Great view. Cooking in this RV is so easy, I love all the storage spots, sleeping good, bed is comfy. Love this vacation.


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