Thursday Feb 20 was a relaxing day as we prepared to leave Port Orange and start our trip back north. I took Lexie on another hike to Spruce Creek Preserve, where I had to take another landscape picture:

We took advantage of having a car for eating out one more time at La Catina. We split the malcajate which was so huge we have leftovers for lunch as we return back to Cleveland:

On Friday Feb 21 we said good-bye to Rose Bay resort. Vicki returned the rental car and I picked her up in the RV. I was worried about the winds on the RV as we drove along the Florida coast. Wind gusts were forecast up to 30mph. But the RV handled fine, just keeping me alert and making many steering adjustments. We did stop at a Buc-ees south of Jacksonville. It was my first stop at a Buc-ees, and we dashed in to buy a brisket sandwich and then dashed out. I didn’t like where I was parked, I think there may have been truck and RV parking somewhere that was not marked. But the store itself was amazing: a huge variety of freshly prepared foods, and a feeling more of a tourist/department store than a usual truck stop.

The trip north of Jacksonville included crossing a huge bridge where I focussed on the road and let Vicki look at the view. We stopped for gas about 90 minutes away from our final destination. We skirted south of Savannah to get to Skidaway state park. The final drive to the park was smooth, traffic moved quickly in the direction we were heading. The park is great, the campsites are very large. There will be more about the park and campsite in the next blog.

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