Steve tried to take Lexie on a walk at our RV park. Lexie refused to go further than 0.75 miles out before we turned around. She is very jittery about the highway noise.
Steve washed the winter weather grime off the RV at the campsite. This took about 40 minutes but the RV now looks much better.
Steve picked up a rental car: a Ford Edge. It looks like a nice car and the large screen is great for directions. Much better than the smaller screen I have in the 2015 Prius. I took an Uber to get the rental, the Uber was a Tesla. I can understand why people love the Tesla, the display showed all the surrounding traffic.
Next came the draining of the gray and black water tanks. This was uneventful. Thankfully. One eventful draining is enough for a lifetime.
The site looks good and it is easy to relax in. Lexi definitely thinks so, she is reclining outside on her outside doggie bed. One downside: no wifi, so we are using our phones as local hot spots.

And Vicki has spent a lot of time finding good homes for all our stuff.
Dan and Andrea came to visit in the afternoon. We had cheese and crackers while enjoying a visit. I have yet to ask him how our site compares to ‘Trailer Park Boys’.
We were supposed to go to Dan and Andrea’s place, but Steve had problems activating the SunPass we picked up. He spent an hour trying to figure out how to activate the SunPass through the internet. The obvious method, create an account and register the device, didn’t work. This method would send you a SunPass by mail in 7-10 days. But after clicking many buttons on the app, there was a button that said “Register Device”. In that flow you could create an account before registering the Sunpass.
We could have used the EZ Pass, if we had brought it. But the SunPass was $15, cheaper than paying for the tolls through the rental car company. So instead of visiting Dan and Andrea, we had another night of ravioli (we are running out of Cleveland food!)

V-We also discovered the no-see-ums, or they discovered us. Nasty little critters that bite and buzz and itch – we’ve tried a few things suggested by the locals. They chase us indoors when they are swarming. Unfortunately, these guys aren’t sticking to the schedule of dusk, overcast and cloudy. Our camping areas here are pretty and we’re right on the lake. They live in the grass near still or slow waters – yep, that’s us. We’re doing what we can, spraying, using a fan outdoors to blow them away, Thermacell bug chaser and my citronella bracelets. Stevens’s been slathering on the aloe vera gel for the itching.
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