Feb 26: Before leaving South Carolina’s Sesquicentennial Park, I took Lexie for a short walk to the lake. there we saw a spillway that was constructed by the CCC in the 1930s.

We left the park around 10am. Travel to Radford was uneventful. There was some traffic congestion in Charlotte, NC and again on I-77 just as we got into Virginia. But congestion is a part of life. We did see signs for Shelton’s Vineyard along the way, a fun thing to point out to Vicki’s children (whose last name is Shelton). Lexie has developed a habit of going into the driver’s seat when we stop at a rest area. This is after she tries to bolt out of the RV. She won’t go very far if she got past our hands and legs, she is secured to a seatbelt restraint in the RV.

In Radford we stopped at Dennis and Margaret’s house. This was our first real house that we had been into since Bradenton two weeks earlier. Dennis and Margaret are excellent hosts, feeding us pesto and shrimp on Wednesday Feb 26 and Mediterranean chicken (with olives) on Thursday. We played a few games with them, including teaching them Hand and Foot canasta. And we talked: work and retirement, kids, grandkids and grandpups. We spent more time looking at pictures than taking pictures. But we did get a couple.

While in Radford I took the RV to Nomadic Camper and RV Repair to get the RV winterized before returning to the Cleveland winter. Dennis was my copilot and we eventually got to Nomadic with only one scenic detour. While at Nomadic I took a picture of their mascot’s poster (because the mascot shares the same name as our RV’s nickname.)

On February 28 we left Radford early (8:20am). We were able to leave early since we didn’t have to disconnect anything. Traveling Friday looked promising weatherwise. The temperatures on the entire trip would be above freezing, and there was a chance for rain (not snow) near Cleveland. Our original travel plans were to go less than 300 miles on Friday, and finish the trip on Saturday. But we bit the bullet and drove 380 miles in one day. We made frequent stops, both to decompress from driving and to take care of body functions. The travel through West Virginia included some slow windy roads and hills. But I drove up and down the hills between 50mph (because I was behind a slow truck) to 60mph. There was a little tailwind, so the RV didn’t get pushed sideways by the winds. We got home before rush hour and we arrived to cloudy but dry weather.

We spent 3 hours unpacking the RV on Friday night. The RV was covered with snow on Saturday morning, but we eventually finished emptying out the RV’s living area and then cleaned all the inside spaces.