We are still working out our routine. Vicki attended her BSF Bible Study this morning on zoom. I relaxed.
We took a ride to Anna Marie Island and went to Manatee Beach. Lexie was with us, and I found out that dogs are not welcome on Florida beaches. But Vicki got her feet into the ocean.

The grill was turned on and we cooked a steak. Overcooked a steak. Another item I forgot at home was the meat thermometer. And the grill was hotter than I wanted, so the meat cooked faster.

The bugs have won the war! The fan I bought helps, the REPEL helps, but the bugs still come. Lexie doesn’t want to go outside. Neither do the humans. The bugs appear to be in the area our site is at, the community center doesn’t appear to have this problem. Neither did the beach…
V-the bugs appear at the pool as well, but not the hot tub! One overcast morning we were getting bombed during aerobics. I see why FL residents all have screened in pools, porches, patios and even yards. Wild to be zooming with the Bible Study group and they are all in heavy sweaters, gray skies where you can see windows and it’s sunny, warm and delightful here. So thankful to be doing this trip and having the convenience of taking “home” with us.
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